Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Ragdoll - CAT

 The Ragdoll
  The Ragdoll is rather known as a fat cat. But its only because of their big bones and skin that makes them look fat. These cats are the biggest cat. One male can weigh around 35 pounds. They are actually nick named the puppy cat. They follow their owners from room to room.

   In 1963 a califonia breeder mixed an white angora with other cats which had a siamese style points. Therefore that developed the ragdoll. As you can see the ragdoll has dark poinst around their face , legs , ears and tail.

  These cats are a large size which is about 3 times bigger than other cats. These cats are known from 3 points , their sparkling blue eyes ( somtimes one brown one blue ) , their soft bunny like coats and finally their size.

  Ragdolls have :
Few health problems
They are no prob to groom
and they are a great family pet .

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Dalmatian - DOG

The Dalmatian

  The Dalmation are the most lovable and quirkly looking dog in the world. But they are also the 11th most aggresive dog in the world. Dont be tricked but they need to be trained as early as possible to not be always  aggresive.

  The Damation is a beautiful dog and was first breeded in USA by George Washington. He said they were dogs you could always depend on.  These spotted dogs were bred to be war and gaurd dogs. They usually ran alongside coaches to clear the crowd out of the way.

 These dogs have a beatiful coat which only needs low grooming. Dalmations Have a white coat when the're born and they grow dots from the size of a ant to the size of a tennis ball. These dogs have a stocky body which makes them running and athletic dogs. The Dalmation does not have many health problems but can easily get bladder stones.

 Therefore the dalmatian can :
Live in any space as long as they get exersise
They have one main health problem - bladder stones
They are easy to groom
You muust start training early or this dog can get really aggresive.
 and finally these dogs are good for active families.

The Labrador Retriever -DOG

The Labrador Retriever

 The Labrador is the 4th smartest dog in the world. It was originially a Newfoundland . They were bred to a smaller version then named the labrador after the sea they worked in. ( Labrador Sea in Canada)
  Labs are a swimmer dog. Thats what their favorite thing to do is. They have 3 things that help them. Webbed paws, an otter like tail and a layered oily coat.
  These dogs are a easy groomer but shed in fall. The most popular colour for a Labrador is black ( the most sucsesful ). Yes black , although you might have though yellow because you see yellow Labs everywhere. Yellow is the second most popular ,and the rarest of all is the beatiful chocolate coat.

  Labradors have a soft mouth. This means their jaw isnt always tense. They can carry a egg in their mouth without cracking it which is amazing.

  Labs are naturally healthy but do have 3 common problems. 1 is hip problems - it causes the hip to displace which causes pain. 2 is The eye - it can cause problems in the pupil which can lead to blindness. 3 is knee and elbow problem. Their life is 12 - 13 years.
  Labrador Retrievers are:
A great dog anywhere
They have hip, elbow, knee and eye problems
Labs are easy to train
and finally a GREAT family pet ( but watch out for them razor sharp teeth! )

The German Sheperd - DOG

The German Sheperd

 The german sheperd ( also known as Alsations) is a great dog. They have been used in movies and also are a a perfect police dog all over the world. They can be trained very easily and are the 3rd most inntelligent dog in the world. They were even in the German army.

  This dog can fit in a apartement but needs space aswell They would fit perfectly on a farm. They need a BIG daily walk.They're perfect for families but not around toddlers because they are the #1 canine biter! These dogs are healthy and only have few health problems.

  The German Sheperd needs grooming because it sheads heavily. The hairs on this dog can easily get in knots. They need grooming about once a week depending on where you live. If you live around a farm or bush once a week will do and in a house or apartment once every 3 weeks.

  German Sheperds are :
Adaptable everywhere
Healthy with some problems
Sheads heavily
And is a perfect family dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog - DOG

The Bernese Mountain Dog

  The bernese dog is a great dog and used to be a draft dog (pulling carrige) in Switzerland. These dogs can carry around 1000 pounds and one dog once carried 2200 pounds which is alot for a dog the size of a labrador retriever.

  These bernese dogs were born in Switzerland and have a thick coat because they were originally up in the mountains of Switzerland.

   The bernese has a tri-coloured body like other Switzerland dogs. It has been believed that these dogs have belived to be more that 2000 years old.
  The bernese has many health problems but the worse is in their legs. The cartlige wears down causing pain. The dogs whine and could die due to the bone rubing on the other bone.

  Finaly this dog needs:
A large amount of space
Has many health problems
Sheds and dosnt need brushin much
Will train but you need to have patience
and dinnally a GREAT family pet

The Kelpie- DOG

The Australian Kelpie

  The Australian Kelpie is a sheepdog whom  comes in a variety of colours. Kelpies are great at agility trials due to their strong legs.

  Kelpies are a hardy breed with few health problems, but they are susceptible to disorders common to all breeds, like cryptorchidism, hip dysplasia, cerebellar abiotrophy and luxating patella. Current research is underway to find the genetic marker for cerebellar abiotrophy in the breed

   The ancestors of the Kelpie were simply (black) dogs, called Colleys or Collies. The word "collie" has the same root as "coal" and "collier (ship)". Some of these collies were imported to Australia for stock work in the early 1800s, and were bred to other types of dogs (possibly including the occasional Dingo), but always with an eye to working sheep without direct supervision.

   These dogs are GREAT with families as long as you have a medium - large yard and keep them active.

   Finnally kelpies are:
A mild - warm temerature dog
Suffer from 4 main disorders ( sickness )
Low- middle brushing
Easy to train
and great with active families

The Siberian Husky - DOG

The Siberian Husky

  The Siberian Husky were imported from the north east of Siberia into the USA and Canada to be sled dog and  rescue dogs. Now the husky is also know as a family pet.

    The Siberian Husky's coat is a double long thick coat which is no worry to cold blizzardy weather. There coats are  commonly a black and white but somtimes gold red or tan mixed.
   Huskys are strong and need a medium - large amount of space to be active. They are the srtong silent type but they can howl really loudly! Huskys LOVE the cold climate like snow built for the arctic. the Husky has strong striking eyes. The icy-blue eyes are the most common.

   The Siberian Husky have strong claws to help dig, pull and run. They can also swim very well and do active things. They need a daily walk if not active such as around the block once. You NEED to keep this dog really exercised
   Overall huskys are:
A cool to midddle temperature dog
Suffer from some problems aroudn the body
Need brushing freqently
Really easy to train (They can also be trained to be sled dogs or rescue)
and are great with families.

The Australian Sheperd - DOG

 The Australian Sheperd
  Australian Sheperds are a very smart breed of dog although they are not actually from Australia! Their ansestors were found to be from Europe then travelled to America some how. They were then named the Aussie sheperd.
  These dogs are an active kind of dog and need a large yard to run around in. Aussie Sheperds also love to herd cattle or sheep up.

   Australian Sheperd's fur can be a range of blue, red , black, white and grey colour but the most popular is the blue and red murle. Puppies with murle parents had a 1 in 4 chance of becoming blind or deaf. They now come in all clolours. Some can have blue brown or amber eyes but some might have two of diffrent colours.

  These aussie sheperds are great blind dogs, search and rescue dogs and GREAT argility trial dogs. Most athletics of all breeds

  To sum it up  Autralian Sheperds are :
An all weather and home dog
Suffer from eye problems
Need frequent brushing
Are easy to train
And are GREAT with  ACTIVE families

The Poodle - DOG

The poodle -
  The poodle is the second most intelligent dog in the world. The poodle originated in France and was a hunting dog in northern Europe and a water retriever but is no longer.

  The poodle is the only breed of dog that comes in 3 sizes. The standard ( 15 and over inches ) , miniature ( 11 -15 inches ) and the toy poodle ( which stands less than ten inches). All poodles are a great watch dog!

   Unlike most dogs poodles have a HAIR coat. Normally, dog hair grows to a point then falls off but the poodles keeps growing then curls.This means that they hardly shead but need lots of grooming.

    The poodle is also known for their long legs,which lets them jump really high and a great treat dog. The poodle is a great runner and athletic kind of dog.

   Finally poodles are
 Easy to fit into any size house
 They have a long life
 Poodles are high maitenance (grooming)
 Great performer and easy trainable and intellegent
 Finally they are a great family dog!